Wednesday, July 27, 2011

SoliDea FoliEs - En Garde

En Garde! No, really...that's the name of the outfit. This adorable piece is a brand new release from SoliDea FoliEs. You get the dress and the hat with this one guys. I love gentle feel of this look, beautiful pearl white accented with lovely flowers. I'm also sporting a magical staff! I wanted a very whimsical look so I'm using a staff from Fairy Tail, it's an adorable crystal staff with a heart on it.

Here you can see a great up-close shot of the hat that comes with En Garde. The flowers on the hat match the flowers on the front of the dress. There is also a feather in the hat which I feel is a great touch. Actually, the hat is my favorite part of this look. I love the style of it and details put into the flowers and even the pearls that hang down to your face.

And here is a great close up shot where you can see the pearls of the hat. You can also see the necklace I'm wearing, also made by Fairy Tail. A cute pair of glass slippers that I feel went well with the mystical feel of the outfit. My skin is from Mother Goose and I picked it up for free of their Lucky Letter boards. They have tons of boards, you should stop by and grab a chair because it'll take a white to get all the great skins.

Dress & Hat - Solidea Folies
Necklace & Staff - Fairy Tail
Skin - Mother Goose
Hair - Lamb


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